Konnekt hosts Starts-At-60 MeetUp

Best Phone for Virtual Coffee

4 Oct 2016 Konnekt co-hosts inaugral Starts-At-60 meet-up

Elderly residents and friends in Melbourne’s beautiful bay-side suburbs now have a place to meet, make friends and enjoy great coffee – in person, or remotely as a virtual coffee session.

Konnekt, makers of the world’s simplest video phone for older adults, collaborated with coffee-shop neighbour Little Sheepish and premier news, blog and information seniors site Starts-At-60, to invite locals to Chelsea’s first-ever Coffee Meet-up.

The staff made us all feel really welcome and ran around taking orders in between listening to stories. First-time visitor Fay announced that her eighth great-grandchild had been born just the day before our meet-up, so we really had something to celebrate. — Natalie Allinson, Office Manager Konnekt Pty Ltd.

Little Sheepish sells vegan and gluten free products, continental groceries and cheeses from around the world. The café area has a gorgeous kids corner set up to allow children to keep themselves entertained while parents and grandparents enjoy stress-free dining.

I was pleasantly surprised by our first Starts-At-60 Meet-up. My place was buzzing with new visitors! — Meg,  Manager and Chief Barrister, Little Sheepish.

If you are in Melbourne, join us for coffee at 11am on the first Tuesday of every month. To learn more about Videophone, simply contact Konnekt.

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