Konnekt-QUANTUM partnership

Best Phone for Poor Eyesight

During COVID, those with poor eyesight or any disability can now receive on-site Videophone installation and training.

QUANTUM RLV (Quantum Reading Learning Vision), a Not-For-Profit business specializing in products and services for low vision and learning difficulties, has partnered with Konnekt to enable people in Australia and New Zealand to stay connected with family and friends.

Quantum’s network of specialists can assist customers with purchasing Konnekt Videophone, on-site training, complementary products, and (if required) on-site installation services – even during the pandemic.

We are pleased to offer our customers Konnekt’s large-format appliance and on-going service. With its extreme ease-of-use, auto-answer for trusted callers, add-on wireless access button, and optional captioning, the Videophone brings simple video calling within reach for everyone… even for customers with mixed disabilities. – Rob Drummond, Business Manager QUANTUM RLV, NSW.

Although they boast accessibility options, Smartphones and computer tablets can be too small and too fiddly, too difficult to learn, and are not designed specifically to suit someone with low vision or multiple needs.

The Videophone offers a high-contrast colour scheme, a large display area and an incredibly easy user interface.

Konnekt’s on-going support service for all additions and changes will ensure that your communications aid will evolve together with your requirements, as they change over time.

Gentleman struggling with small tablet or phone

Videophone is pre-configured and personalized before delivery, with buttons up to 15 cm wide and text up to 7 cm tall. It arrives ready to plug-and-play. However, those with low vision or other impairments may have more complex needs, such as specific mounting requirements or the ability to work with other aids.

QUANTUM can advise on other products or services that will help. When their specialist is on-site, they can quickly assess needs, find the best possible mounting arrangement, be on the phone with Konnekt for any last-minute customizations, and leave knowing that the client is fully confident to use Videophone for social contact and in case assistance is required. – John Nakulski, Co-Founder, Konnekt.

Chloe talking on Konnekt Videophone

Don’t let poor vision prevent your family from staying connected: Contact QUANTUM or phone 1300 883 853 to enquire about discounted on-site Videophone installation and training, to find out about Australian or New Zealand government funding for those with low vision, or to learn about Quantum’s other great products for low vision and blindness.

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Preserving Independence with Captioned Phones: Pauline’s Story
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Videophone International Standards