The Konnekt Dementia Phone

Konnekt is the first phone for dementia that

  • Addresses cognitive decline. A recent UK medical study and earlier US studies demonstrated improved cognitive function in just 6 weeks of increased face-to-face social engagement;
  • Enables those with Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, Lewy Body Disease, CTE or MCI to make phone calls, more easily than any phone we’ve seen; and
  • Allows nominated sons, daughters and carers to check in visually.

Dementia, the Biggest Killer

Dementia is said to be the cruelest disease because it causes 2 deaths: The slow extinction of the personality, followed by departure from life.

  • In 2016, dementia became the leading cause of deaths among females, surpassing even heart disease.
  • About 10% of the over-65s, 30% of the over-85s, and 52% of aged-care residents have dementia.
  • Dementia is the greatest cause of disability in seniors and 3rd leading cause of disability burden.
  • It’s frustrating and scary to see them forget family, become dependent, fight to stay at home.

If your family member has dementia, you CAN make a huge difference to their quality of life.

Dementia Care Guide – Download Now

Dementia: The Silent Killer

The ultimate 8-page guide to supporting your parent with love and grace.

Guidance on:

  • Healthy Diet
  • Exercise
  • Blood Pressure
  • Depression
  • Mental Stimulation
  • Social Engagement

Available in English and German (as a printable PDF) or in 49 languages (online).

Dementia specialist holds a clipboard, and two other medical professionals are behind her

Take the Dementia Carer Quiz

Dementia: What can YOU do to help?

Konnekt Videophone - Communication With Loved Ones

The Konnekt Phone for Dementia

The Konnekt Videophone helps dementia sufferers in 3 ways:

  1. Face-to-face social interaction. Increased social interaction via daily video calls were shown in a medical study to improve cognitive function after just 6 weeks.
  2. Independence social engagement. One touch to connect. Nothing to remember. Incredibly simple.
  3. Check in, visually. Auto-answer with 2-way video allows visual check-in by sons, daughters and carers.

The world’s easiest phone for Alzheimer’s / dementia

  • Nothing to remember. No menus, logins or icons.
  • No skills required. No keyboard/mouse. No pop-ups.
  • Calls mobiles, iPads/tablets & computers face-to-face.
  • Calls landlines, too. GPs, older family, backup numbers.
  • Always ON. Nothing to charge or switch on. No modes.
  • One touch to call. Zero touch to auto-answer carers.
  • See the name of the caller. Blocks unknown callers.

Easiest solution for sons, daughters, carers

Konnekt does EVERYTHING for you: Setup, personalization, call quality optimization. We even help your family get on Skype.

We keep it going, too.  We’re your I.T. support. And we do all changes for you, remotely.

Try it for 30 Days

Fiddly, complicated devices

  • Teaching someone with memory loss to use a tablet PC or mobile is frustrating.
  • Logins, menus, pop-ups and fiddly little icons make them feel stupid.
  • Online scammers are a costly and terrifying threat to the vulnerable.

Wendy says her Videophone is simpler than a telephone.

Do Seniors Tablets work?

Our market research found that many elders over 75 with a declining memory, and those with Alzheimer’s Disease or vascular dementia, have trouble using even the easiest tablets designed for seniors.

We call these top-drawer fillers. They end up in the top drawer, along with other unused gadgets!

The Konnekt Solution

That’s why the founders of this company, Karl and John, created the Konnekt video phone. They saw the needs of their own parents to see their family and friends, as often as they wanted, without the travel.

30-Day Trial

As seen on TV, with Carol O’Halloran

Konnekt Videophone - Dementia Applications

Medical studies: Hear how video conversation can help dementia 

Dementia study: Face-to-face conversation helps

Increased social interaction via daily face-to-face calls for 6 weeks were recently shown in an OHSU study to be a promising intervention for improving cognitive function. This is great news for family members unable to travel, too busy or too far away to visit often.

Is your parent suffering from, or at risk of dementia? A user-friendly interface is key to acceptance and adherence. If it’s easy, they’ll keep using it.

Phone for Intellectual Disability

The Konnekt Videophone is the best communications aid for persons with intellectual disability including Down Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome, Prader-Willi Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, foetal alcohol spectrum disorder, premature birth, childhood brain injury, acquired Brain Injury, and also learning difficulty.

Videophone is recommended by support managers, social workers and home-care providers because it not only helps increase safety and social contact, but also supports independence — thanks to one-touch video calls and phone calls.

As seen in medical journals and news articles

Information Technology Across Care ITAC logo

Winner, Best Consumer-Friendly Product in Aged Care

Konnekt Videophone was selected as the best choice for seniors living at home, independently or in a care home, by a panel of industry experts at the industry’s premier event for new aged-care technologies.

Our Videophone featured in Over 50’s Guide

A national guide distributed by medical clinics, pharmacies and others. This article featured the story of our customer Graham whose wife had passed away recently. He was moved into a nursing home feeling lonely and sinking into depression. Videophone changed his life.

Social isolation and Depression risk

Social isolation is bad for your mental health, and regular face-to-face social interactions are likely a great way to help prevent depression  —  Dr Alan Teo, Prof OHSU

Increased Cognitive Function

Increased social interaction via daily face-to-face calls for 6 weeks were recently shown in an OHSU study to be a promising intervention for improving cognitive function.

In Australia, Canada, USA, UK, Germany, France and 27 other countries, Konnekt Videophone keeps loved ones engaged and inspired, in homes and care homes including

Cheryl and Judy face-to-face

Videophone helps save a life

Konnekt video phone assisted me to visualize my Mum, I am pretty certain my Mum would have died a very horrible death in her unit within 24-48 hours — Cheryl Kolff, daughter, Australia

Cheryl was overseas in the USA. Her mother Judy was suffering from a life-threatening bowel obstruction, but dementia prevented her from verbalizing her pain. Konnekt Videophone with auto-answer allowed Cheryl to see how unwell her Mum was, comfort her, and talk face-to-face with paramedics.

Sandy's Mom prompted to drink water to avoid dehydration

Dehydration kills

Now, Sandy can monitor and encourage her mom to drink water.

Mom’s dementia limits her comprehension. She can’t pick up a phone or push a button without someone telling her to do so. Konnekt has solved that problem with it’s auto-answer capability for selected contacts. Now, her face just lights up when she gets a call. Best of all, adequate water consumption is no longer a huge challenge. — Sandy Flohrs, daughter, MN USA

Already seeing improvements

I am delighted with your innovative product and very grateful for the improvements that I am already seeing in Norma (she has significant cognitive decline). — Amanda Hill, daughter, Malaysia

Dementia Specific Key Features

  • Enables vital face-to-face conversation, with an easy user interface for greater acceptance/adherence
  • One-touch named call buttons – world’s easiest phone, ever
  • No menus, icons, charging – nothing at all to remember
  • Auto-answers trusted carers, with 2-way video – reduces worry
  • Blocks telemarketers, scammers, fraudsters – increases safety

Noel’s Cognitive Improvement

Noel has severe dementia. He couldn’t recognize his own daughter Valery on the telephone. It was heartbreaking for Valery because she lives 4 hours away and was unable to see Dad face-to-face often. Until…

Noel’s new Videophone was set up to Auto Answer Valery’s calls. Valery persisted over many weeks, speaking to him face-to-face. Thanks to the many dementia-specific features and Konnekt’s constant adjustments, Noel started to remember his daughter. He is now answering calls without Auto Answer, and dialing Valery independently.

We’ve seen Noel’s improvement with our own eyes, and the medical evidence supports it. This is only one example.

Chloe talking on Konnekt Videophone

Try it for 30 days. No risk.

Don’t wait for the memory loss to get worse.

Find out now whether you qualify for a no-obligation trial.

Check out our Dementia Related Articles

Guide to Slowing Down Dementia

Talking to Someone With Dementia

Available worldwide

Konnekt has sales/support partners across Australia / Asia, Europe, United Kingdom, North America and New Zealand.

Konnekt Pty Ltd
Based on 119 reviews
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Aliceson ParkerAliceson Parker
11:08 06 Oct 24
This has made a huge difference for hard of hearing people, very easy to use for making and receiving calls. Very helpful staff who have solved any issues straight away.
yrrag Drofyrrag Drof
12:12 09 Sep 24
I've had my Konnekt video phone now for almost two months. My hearing is less than 3% in one ear and doesn'rt exist in the other, so using a normal phone is impossible for me. With a super powerful hearing aid in my only working ear I can just understand voices I'm familiar with, sometimes, with a lot of concentration.I have had the NRS available for over two years but preferred not to use it unless it was an emergenycy: don't like the idea of going through a third person, especially with confidentiasl information.As a result, I was cut off from most people except thgose I met in person. Even then I often have to use a transceibingh program to understand them.Since I have my Konnekt video phone, things have changed dramatically. I can nowe use the phone almost exactly as I used to before going profoundly deaf. The captioning appears tyo be instanteousl and accurate - only some odd place names it has problems with. It even censors bad language insereting astereicks for the said word. (Smart people can work ou whaty was being said as usually it starts to show and the number of asterisks is the number of letters in the word.)I extremely happy with and it learns regular callers speech quite well. I have the loud base boosted speaker which makes it easily heard in other rooms and outside and talking on the phone. The captoioning is almost completely in sync with the audio so it makes it very easy to understand, even without the video. I have only had one bideo call to date, as I get by perfectly well wityh just audio/captioning, even when ringing numbers for busineeses and going through the menu options; the dial pad stays on the screen all the time, which is excellernt.The buttons are large enough to see without buttons, even when the entire 40 possible are used: the more people you put intop the speedd dial, the smaller the buttons get.Konnekt peopple are extremely helpful and guide you through the entire process of setting up your phone for you. It comes with all your presets numbers and you just plug it in and either connect to your computer by WiFi, cable, or it can come with its own WiFi router.Despite having a computer network I chose the later, because it gives me more options. If I go on holidays or have to be away from my residence for a while, I can take the phone and the WiFi router woth me.The phone itself id large and has a stand or it can be mounted on a wall or such. I have it mounted over my work desk as there was no room on the desk.All maintenance is did automatrically over night, so you have nothing to do. (if you are a tech wizard like myself then you can do entries, etc. and change WiFi networks, but the normal uyser doesn't need to do this as Konnekt doers it all for you, including any upgrades of the software.To me its more important than my computers, as I can speak directly to people instead opf having to rely on e-mails being replied to.I do have the handset as well, but for most calls I use the external speaker, but it does enable private calls (at least what is being said to be can't br heard.)9.9 out of 10.
Simone KnightSimone Knight
07:34 26 Aug 24
My Dad is turning 102 this October. He is almost totally deaf. The text to talk and live video help him to translate and lip read. Absolutely 💯 recommend this for hard of hearing and the elderly. s Simone Knight
Frank PapworthFrank Papworth
23:37 19 Aug 24
The Konnekt videophone is great!Easy to use,provides a visual calming to users where you can see loveones directly.Set up support is great. Phone can be dimmed at night not to keep you awake.One touch feature reduces complexity for users.
bethany schratzbergerbethany schratzberger
21:58 17 Aug 24
Absolutely brilliant. I can now visually check in with dad. He loves reading captions and being able to have longer conversations. I wish we had done earlier. Easy process to set up.
Mim CoopMim Coop
13:16 13 Aug 24
KONNEKT offer excellent customer support the whole way through. The phone helps me connect on a much more personal level with my father who is interstate, and is an important assistive device allowing him to easily make contact when he has fallen. I would highly recommended.
Ken LajoieKen Lajoie
07:14 27 Jul 24
We have used a Konnekt for my wife’s mother here in Australia for the last three years. We started with it when she was still living in her home and kept it when she moved into residential care. It was so easy for her to use and with the automatic answering feature we are still able to communicate with her as her dementia has progressed. It was a God send during Covid.We have now ordered a second one for my father in the USA!In both cases family members have been extremely pleased with the ease of use.The tech service in both Australia and the USA has been excellent. They are very good with elderly people.
Bronwyn DaviesBronwyn Davies
00:31 27 Jun 24
Konnekt have been amazing supporting and helping us through the process of getting the Captioning Phone for my 94 year old mother.Now she has the phone she can talk to whom ever she wishes via video phone Captioning appearing on the phone.Sound quality is absolutely perfect for her. She has a rather severe hearing impairment.I cannot believe how quickly she has embraced and uses her new system.She is calling people several times a day.Gives her great confidence when speaking to people as now she can read what they are saying.And amazing development by Australian small business.Recommend the Captioning Phone.
barka tongalabarka tongala
12:09 07 Jun 24
OMG this system is brilliant. So easy for my 86yr Mother to use.So easy for me to get my message across because she is severely hearing impaired. The captions help mum to understand us. when im out walking i can call mum and show her what i see. So i get to share with her immediately the moment. When the dreaded Covid struck, it was so easy for the nursing staff at my dads nursing home contact us, and put the trolley in front of dad and we could chat. so much better that waiting for the IPad to be come available. Easy for nursing staff to see who was on dads list and ask who he wanted to chat to. With the Automatic answer , it was wonderful to catch mum snoozing in her recliner and check she was ok. I think every Nursing home should have one for every resident. thank you Konnekt. with much thanks, xo deb Murray and Family
stamatina katsanevasstamatina katsanevas
03:29 21 May 24
Thank you to John and all the supportive staff at Konnekt. What an amazing service and an amazing product. It enabled us to stay in touch with our father and enabled him to have a better a quality of life because of this. Thank you again, will always be so very appreciative of the special moments that we were able to have because of this service. Kind regards Tina and family
Bruce ReimersBruce Reimers
23:10 24 Apr 24
I would like to say that the Konnekt device was wonderful for my Mum, the Staff at the Aged Care Home, and the family. Mum had Dementia but Nursing staff could easily call a family member to help settle Mum as required. It enabled us to comunicate and this extended to the end when Mum was unable to answer the Konnekt but family could call in to see if Mum was sleeping or wandering around. If she was wandering, I could go up and spend time with her while she was awake which I now cherish. She had many falls so this extra time with her when she was wandering also meant that she had extra one-to-one attention which could have avoided a tragedy such as a broken hip from a fall. Now, in hindsight after Mum has passed, I can't help but feel the Konnekt device was instrumental in ensuring Mum did not suffer as much as she might have and was able to pass peacefully into God's care, as she would have wanted to.
Jill LawrenceJill Lawrence
22:16 21 Apr 24
Startling. The system was in place 4 days and my mother connected with her granddaughter and spoke with her great grandsons - and I wasn't there. Thank you Konnekt, it is as easy to use as you promote.
06:43 21 Apr 24
Very useful and convenient phone
Carin MurphyCarin Murphy
23:02 16 Apr 24
Thanks again to you and all the team for the blessing that Konnekt has been to us. I even got to see Mum and say goodbye via the videophone the day before she died, even though she was barely conscious in Canberra, and I was here on the Sunshine Coast. There was no way I could have got there in person in time as she went so quickly at the end. She was 95.
Morgan LittlewoodMorgan Littlewood
01:40 16 Apr 24
Alzheimers makes it so difficult for reliabkle remote connection. The Konnekt service was a Godsend for my mum. It was the only reliable communication method for years.
Andrew WhiteheadAndrew Whitehead
04:23 14 Apr 24
I inquired about this two weeks ago. Within a week, it was delivered to my home. Just connect to power and telephone line, and ready to go. Already programmed with my favorite 10 numbers. I would recommend Konnekt to every person like me who has a hearing problem.
Melanie HardakerMelanie Hardaker
06:41 10 Apr 24
Konnect was so easy to set up. We had support the whole way and it is a gamechanger for my grandma.
Grace MartinGrace Martin
02:12 10 Apr 24
Fantastic system that allows our family to stay in contact even though we live in different states. Dad has dementia & is no longer able to navigate a mobile phone but he is able to use this with ease. Great invention
Catherine BCatherine B
06:53 05 Apr 24
This Company has been great to deal with and my 85 year old Dad just loves his new videophone!It's such a great way for us all to keep in touch and see our loved ones.Everything is simplified and so user friendly for the hearing and sight impaired and those with cognition/memory issues.I've been telling everyone about this system!Thank you Konnekt!
Joanne ReadJoanne Read
03:41 03 Apr 24
I am a Health professional, and have an elderly Mother with severe hearing impairment. Mum thinks the phone is wonderful, as it has given her back some independence. For example if she needed to make an appointment over the phone , she would need me to do it for her , due to her hearing impairment. Now, she can communicate effectively with the person on the other end of the call and arrange appointments that suit her time frame. The phone has also assisted her to feel more connected as she can ring and talk to friends, whom she cannot visit due to distance.From a safety view point , I now feel my Mother would be able to dial 000 in an emergency, and successfully speak to and instruct the operator , if my elderly Father became acutely unwell and needed urgent medical care.I found organising the phone and the Customer service at Konnekt, to be excellent and have no hesitation in promoting this company and product.
Melanie FletcherMelanie Fletcher
13:25 25 Mar 24
Custome Service and hardware is 10/10. Right from my first contact Daniel, Karl, Tracy have all be exceptional with their response and clear instructions on how to set up and operate. We finally don't have to scream for our Mum to be able to talk with us on the phone - what a win!!
Robbie RangiRobbie Rangi
10:42 06 Feb 24
I was looking for a mobile phone for my mum as she has dementia. I found Konnekt. From the very start I had amazing communication. The help to get my mother connected in NZ, with no wifi, I had roadblocks after roadblock. The patience that all the staff at KONNEKT trying to connect was so worth it and absolutely 👍 amazing 🤩.My mum was isolated from her loved 🥰 ones because she couldn’t remember numbers, screen to small, couldn’t hear. This is the perfect phone ☎️ for SENIORS. The smile on my mothers face now is PRICELESS. Her persona has picked up, she’s all excited to chat, we giggle like little school girls. Mum LOVES what KONNEKT did for her to connect her family, without all the hassles of the internet connection. KONNEKT did it all. Thank you John, Natalie, Karl, Daniel, John and everyone else who HELPED.BEST GIFT 🎁 EVER.I am sooo excited and very very HAPPY and GRATEFUL to KONNEKT. I will send you customers. FOREVER GRATEFUL 🙏❤️Robyn R.
Rina BrettellRina Brettell
07:24 23 Jan 24
A great system for my parents to see all their children and grandchildren and talk to them. Such an easy system to use. Well done Konnekt!
Sabrina HintonSabrina Hinton
23:25 11 Jan 24
The konnekt caption phone is amazing & so easy to use. It makes such a difference to someone who's only connection to the outside world can sometimes be only via the phone.
Brad Drew (Bradric)Brad Drew (Bradric)
05:52 11 Jan 24
Many thanks to John, Karl and the team. My mum has severe hearing loss and the Captioning Videophone has been a life saver. Without it she simply would not be able to communicate with the outside world. It works reliably, is simple to use and the support provided by Konnekt has been first class.
Bob BannisterBob Bannister
01:46 05 Jan 24
For the last six months or so we have been using a Konnekt video phone to talk to Mum. She is in her mid nineties, with mobility issues and a hearing impairment.The device has been absolutely brilliant. Mum can see faces, and so see expressions and lip movements, and also read the captions as needed. And the family can see her! In many ways it is easier for her to communicate using the Konnekt than it is to talk to someone in the room with her.Moreover, the service provided by Konnekt staff has been exceptional. They are immediately available throughout the same service that the device uses. They have talked us through technical issues, customise the interface for our needs, and provided advice on placing the device in the best location.Konnekt enabled us to take advantage of the Telstra scheme making the device very affordable.The Konnekt is easy to use - Mum calls us regularly - it has made a quite substantial improvement in connecting Mum to her family.Highly recommended.
Marta RMarta R
02:03 22 Dec 23
The Konnekt Videophone has been an invaluable addition to our daily routine, providing a lifeline to my 85 year old grandma's well-being. With the ability to visually connect with her every morning, we ensured she took her pills and checked in on her health. The peace of mind this device brought is beyond measure. Moreover, the Konnekt team's exceptional support promptly addressed any issues we encountered. A heartfelt 5/5 for the outstanding service that has truly made a difference for our family.
Grant StevensGrant Stevens
00:32 07 Dec 23
My father is konnekted to the World again.. What a change it makes to be able to communicated with him
Hailey DeeszHailey Deesz
02:23 04 Dec 23
Organised the Konnekt Videophone for my Grandmother as it has became difficult to have phone conversations. It has Improved her quality of life as well as ours. The staff at Konnekt are extremely helpful and personalise the Videophone such a wonderful gift.
Janet LambleJanet Lamble
07:19 16 Nov 23
This has made the world of difference to my 96 year old aunt with hearing difficulties still living at home. I was worried about introducing new technology at her age but with a little encouragement and help she is now confident to ring her contacts and have some better conversations with the captioning and Skype video calls.It has kept her in touch with family.Great service and staff to help with set up.
Michelle HMichelle H
21:36 04 Nov 23
My mother loves her new phone. She wears a cochlear implant and has been deaf from birth. Now thanks to her new phone she can make her own appointments, at doctors, dentists and other medical offices. She loves the weekly catch-up with family as she can now see them when she speaks to them.The team at Konnekt were brilliant in setting up the phone, by rushing to have it delivered, and working on a Saturday on a long week so that I could travel to help mum setup.Sometime the teletext is a little off in getting some words correct but that just adds ti the fun. Well done. Great invention and no outlay cost, so anyone can afford it.
Ellie MeekEllie Meek
01:10 30 Oct 23
I organised the Konnekt video captioning phone for my Aunt-in-law who is 94 years old! She has been mostly deaf for the last year, however suddenly had complete hearing loss and her inability to socialise by any means other than writing isolated her greatly and impacted her mental well being. She reluctantly agreed to hearing aids and we were recommended to Konnekt services to try and resolve the phone issue.We did doubt her ability to adapt to these new devices as is very technically challenged and resistant, however to our utmost surprise and joy she has taken to both, and the Konnekt video captioning phone has made a massive difference to her, now being able to communicate with her small family and social circle again. She has got the hang of it reasonably quickly and is making calls everyday. So nice to see her face light up when she sees us, and also to watch her reading the captioning when not quite catching the words. Brilliant!The Konnekt team are absolutely amazing. They have responded so quickly to the whole process from start to finish and ongoing with any queries or changes we need.I would 100% recommend this product and company.

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